Wednesday, May 11, 2005

100 Things About Me

1. I’m a fifth generation Californian (at least)
2. In my genealogical line I come from: an original Hell’s angel
3. The Hershey family (yes chocolate)
4. Proctor and Gamble
5. And horse thieves of olde California
6. I’m a cat person and have two: Mozart and Autumn
7. They drive me crazy
8. I am an only child
9. No, I wasn’t spoiled
10. But it was nice knowing I would get the prize in the cereal box
11. Out of all my cousins on my mom’s side, I’m the oldest of nine girls
12. I was a Girl Scout for six years
13. I would have killed to be in gymnastics when I was younger
14. I’m 5’11”
15. Tall people don’t make good gymnasts
16. I have lived in seven homes since getting married in 1996
17. We celebrated our first anniversary in our third home
18. I’ve only lived outside of California for five months
19. I hated living in Virginia
20. I don’t know how to surf
21. But I wish I did
22. I have mitral valve prolapse
23. It’s genetic, my daughter will probably have it too
24. I met my husband at church
25. I made a sarcastic comment to him and that was his first impression of me
26. He must have liked it
27. When I was little I wanted my hair to be the color of Jennifer’s on WKRP in Cincinnati
28. It’s naturally chestnut brown
29. In college I was on the Dean’s list twice at the same time
30. Once for my high GPA and the other for missing too many chapels
31. Who know you could be praised and in trouble at the same time?
32. I graduated with my “BABA” pregnant with Trey
33. Or Bachelor or Arts in Business Administration
34. My favorite Disney character is Daisy
35. She’s very hard to find without Minnie attached to her
36. My favorite villain is Maleficent and I wish I bought that version of Barbie when it was still out
37. I love Barbie, much to the chagrin of my mother
38. My birthstone is the diamond
39. Much to the chagrin of my husband!
40. I hate cream cheese but I wish I didn’t
41. I bought my first car without any help from anyone (I was 18)
42. I didn’t know how to drive it since it was a stick
43. Bill taught me how
44. I love Fleetwood Mac
45. I’ve been to two “actual” concerts in my life (not including Christian conferences, etc.)
46. They were New Kids on the Block and Aerosmith
47. My husband and I had the chance to move to Hawaii and turned it down
48. What were we thinking?
49. I believe everything happens for a reason
50. I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 15
51. It didn’t stunt my growth like I’d hoped
52. I have a high metabolism (thanks mom!)
53. I’m addicted to peanut butter m&m’s
54. I love doing counted cross-stitch
55. I learned when I was 11
56. I procrastinate
57. I hate that about myself
58. Whenever I have a dream where I’m in my own house, it’s in the house I grew up in and moved out of at 19
59. Part of me wishes my mom still had that house
60. I hate change
61. The Marine Corps doesn’t care
62. I have a tattoo of dolphins on my lower back
63. I long to swim with dolphins some day
64. I want to try parasailing
65. I’ve snorkeled at Hanauma Bay
66. My husband and I were too young to rent a car on our honeymoon
67. You have to be 25, but they let us anyway
68. I’ve been to DC twice and it rained both times
69. I’ve driven across the country twice
70. I think the Pacific is way better than the Atlantic
71. I’ve never been out of the country (Tijuana doesn’t count)
72. I google when I’m bored
73. I cannot tan
74. I love to stay up late and sleep in
75. I don’t like getting professional massages
76. I’ve been in some sort of choir since sixth grade
77. I am addicted to Pepsi
78. I have chocolate every day
79. I’m a PartyLite consultant
80. But I love Yankee jar candles
81. I’ve always wanted to be a mom
82. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be
83. I’m a reality tv slut
84. If I wake up in the middle of the night, songs from the Disney channel are going through my head
85. My mom says I’m prissy
86. I love grocery shopping including putting everything away
87. My closets and drawers HAVE to be organized or I have to stop what I’m doing to fix them
88. The rest of my house is a different story
89. I wish I had a green thumb, but it’s black
90. I thought I could have my son naturally and didn’t ask for my epidural until I was 7cm
91. I asked for my epidural an hour after I was admitted with my daughter
92. I wish I could play the piano
93. I married a band geek
94. He’s had a career change since then, and it’s helped our family life a lot
95. I hope I can live in CA for the rest of my life
96. I think there should be a grandfather clause when it comes to buying houses in your hometown
97. I love my inlaws (I really do) and I like them too
98. I’m not adventurous at all but I wish I was
99. My husband is my best friend
100. I AM a princess, for I am a Child of the King